A Photo Booth Case Study

Studio z + casper

2 Girls pose for the casper mattress staycation custom photo opportunity

Welcome to Studio Z’s case study series. Through 2020, we’ll be taking you on a tour of some of the landmark events we’ve done through our history. From photo activations to completely custom video installations, Studio Z has been the photo booth of choice for our home in New York and dozens of locations across the world.

Because this is the first feature in our case study series, I’m going to take a minute to introduce one of our flagship partners–Casper Mattresses.

If you haven’t heard of Casper, I’d be surprised. But just in case: they started the mattress revolution. Instead of having to go to retail stores and pay huge commission to mattress salespeople, you’re now able to order an incredibly comfortable mattress with just a few clicks.


Studio Z’s relationship with Casper started in December of 2016 when we were asked to provide a GIF booth for their company holiday party.

Because this was a small event, we actually offered a discount in exchange for a mattress.

Working with start-up companies sometimes means giving them the opportunity to pay with product, and since they’re such fantastic mattresses it was a fantastic exchange.


I initially doubted that Casper would need booths for marketing because they were so focused on their digital presence at the time. However, once we had the opportunity to get people into a booth, they were hooked.

Experiencing a photo activation in person is really necessary to see just how much fun potential guests can have. You can’t help but smile when you’re in a booth, there is just something magical about the process that doesn’t happen when you’re taking a selfie with friends or asking someone to snap pictures.

The second key factor for Casper was content. Every photo, video, GIF, or even boomarray, taken in a photo booth, results in extremely sharable content. It’s an experiential marketing dream to have content that people want to share, instead of content that you have to beg them to share.

2 Girls pose for the casper mattress staycation custom photo opportunity


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Custom photo Booths

Since 2016, we have done twelve unique events for Casper. These have included the yearly internal events that they host. Almost every one has included a completely custom booth design.

Holiday Events

While some companies might be content with just a holiday party, contemporary employers are always looking for ways to delight and engage their employees. We were able to provide a booth for their Halloween party, which, when you think about it, makes a lot of sense.

Who doesn’t want a studio quality photo of the costume they worked so hard on? Who wouldn’t work harder on their costume if they knew there was going to be a booth?

Product Launches

We’ve also collaborated on major product launch events, usually creating something completely unique for each launch. You can see more details for each of those launches below!

More than a vendor

We’ve essentially become Casper’s in house photo booth. As a business owner, this is the relationship that I’d love to have with any other business.

The team can come to us and feel like they’re speaking to an employee rather than a contractor. Plus, we’re not just a New York photo booth rental! Our events have taken place in NYC, San Francisco, and Las Vegas. Studio Z is available for nationwide marketing events. 

The unique thing about Casper is they are a creative bunch and they always want to change the norms of a photo booth activation. They love to build sets and provide the opportunity for us to collaborate on unique experiences.

If you are a company that takes experiential marketing seriously, you need to work with partners who can deliver something special instead of just showing up. Our favorite collaborations with Casper have come from working together to share expertise instead of just bidding on a contract. We’ve done some truly incredible installations, too!

I’m excited to share more of our partner’s stories with you here, so stay tuned for additional stories each month! Make sure to follow us on Insta to see the events in real time, and please contact us if you’d like to discuss the ways Studio Z can help you execute your goals.

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