The world is changing, and business events are no exception. Everything and everyone has gone online! If you want to continue growing your business, you need to adapt as soon as possible. New technology will help you implement the necessary changes and make your next company event a raging success! We have one thing in particular to suggest you add to your virtual events: a photo booth.

 Photo booth for Expo, conferences, hybrid event and zoom webinar

Why Have So Many Events Gone Virtual These Days?       

While virtual events have existed for quite some time (especially for remote working companies!) the event industry has tremendously changed with the start of the COVID-19 pandemic. Everyone wanted to respect people’s lives and keep social distancing as much as possible, but the need to connect with others still existed. So what did we do? We shifted online! 

The choice was clear: it was time to start hosting different virtual events. Digital tools help us celebrate important moments with our friends and colleagues and still be socially responsible! As technology advances, digital experiences just keep improving. The photo booth for online events is a part of that change that will stay long after the pandemic is over. 

Events That Need an Online Photo Booth

Although it might seem easier, you need to invest the same amount of effort into planning and hosting a virtual event as you would with hosting an in-person event. The cost will be lower, so budgeting does become a lot easier. However, engaging your attendees becomes way harder. You don’t have a physical venue and, hence, lack the networking options.

When your event is virtual, the content is the driving force! Doesn’t matter whether it’s an expo, conference, webinar, or a hybrid event; you need quality content to keep your guests interested and happy. You should focus on creating an amazing agenda with important keynote speakers and engaging sessions. 

However, you also need something off the agenda so people can take a break and engage with each other. For example, a chat room is a great tool, not only for this type of engagement but also for asking questions to the speakers. Another tool for engagement (and your marketing efforts) is, of course, a photo booth! In-person events are almost unimaginable without them, so why would virtual ones be an exception?

How a Photo Booth Will Help to Promote, Sell, and Reduce the Cost of Your Next Conference or Expo

For your conference or expo to be successful, people need to talk about it! And pictures are worth more than 1000 words. That’s why Instagram is so hot right now. Pictures are everything, and businesses know it. From restaurants to movie theaters, businesses are lining up to be Instagrammable. 

Everybody is online, and your event desperately needs an online presence. If nobody is posting about your event, did it really happen? In the eyes of the consumers on social media, it didn’t. You should improve your digital marketing campaign with available technology and include photo booths in your events. 

If you have a photo booth that creates amazing snaps, people will share them! A promotion via people’s social media can be better than any type of ad you can purchase. That kind of advertising for your event can help you stay way ahead of your competitors. Get a photo booth that will generate shareable pics, and you can actually reduce the overall cost of your conference. Just imagine the amount of traffic you will receive through social media platforms. 

The Right Technology to Make a Successful Virtual Event

Use technology to make the photo booth a natural part of the event. And of course, don’t overcomplicate things. Even at corporate events, people just want to have fun. Our photo booth for online events is so easy to use. There’s no need to download an app because it’s browser-based. This means that you can just share a link with your guests, and then they can access the virtual photo booth on any device. 

The best part? Virtual photo booth is completely customizable for brands. We took care of everything, from top to bottom! You can customize the photo booth’s user interface (UI), backgrounds, photo frames, buttons, stickers, boomerang frames, HTML email, and URL link to make your virtual photo booth branded and unique. 

The guests can use the digital photo booth as they wish. They may choose different templates and pick a background, capture gifs and boomerangs, and pose to their likings once you decide what kind of options are available! You can also create digital mosaics out of people snaps and design custom surveys to get people’s feedback. So check out virtual photo booth specs to find out what kind options you have!

We should note that optional printing add on is also available. So if you wish you can buy the prints for the guests that chose single-image designs! Even if your guests weren’t physically present, they can get a printed copy of the photo delivered to their home. That’s a valuable memory secured. 

3 Tips to Utilize Photo Booths for Online Expos

 Photo booth for virtual fest

To help you out, here are our top tips on how to create a unique online experience with a virtual photo booth: 

  • Be creative and inspire others. Add different effects, filters, and background options to inspire people’s creativity. 
  • Use surveys to get feedback. You can include a couple of brief questions about the event in the virtual photo booth so your guests can give you their opinion. Getting feedback from attendees is immensely valuable! You can use this data to make improvements and host even better events in the future. 
  • Make sure to brand your company accordingly. Create a unique event logo and add it to your existing company logo to make sure photos from the virtual booth stand out. 

In-Person Photo Booths vs. Photo Booths for Online Conferences

To compare these two photo booths, let’s go one step back and think about what is special about a photo booth in the first place. Photo booths can help you save and cherish one unique moment from a particular event (whether it’s a business conference, a birthday, or a festival). Virtual photo booths serve the same purpose. You can use it to catch a moment and make it a long-lasting memory. 

So, in essence, there aren’t huge differences between in-person photo booths and online photo booths. Naturally, digitalization offers additional choices. With our photo booth for online expos or conferences, you can also create gifs or make mosaics out of your guests’ snaps. On top of everything, there’s no waiting in lines! You don’t have to spend an hour waiting to take a photo because a great snap is just a click away. 

Photo booth for online zoom event photo

How Do Photo Booths for Online Events Engage Your Attendees?    

More than other engagement options for the attendees, photo booths can help you boost your event. Remember, people love to take and share photos, so give them the option to do so! Photo booths use creative technology to connect people, meaning you can also use them to break the ice and start off the event. People can take snaps and use them as profile pictures, too.

After the event has started, guests will use photo booths to take a break and have some fun. They’ll create (silly or professional) photos to share on social media, which will, as we said, additionally promote the event. Experience tells us that people will also share the pics in the chat rooms to lighten the mood, especially when it’s an internal company event. The options are limitless when you have creative team members to help you out!

Final Thoughts

In these strange times, online events are dominating the business scene. You need something to make your company’s event unique, and a photo booth can be that something! Let’s rock your next virtual event together.

Looking for a unique activation for your next event?

At Studio Z, we know a thing or two about photo and video activations. We have a wide array of options to suit your next event, brand activation, conference, expo, etc. If we don't currently offer it, we can create it. Photographers and event marketers at heart, we are ready for the challenge. Reach out and start the conversation.